Title: A Mysterious Little Bag Fandom: Adventure Time Pairing: Marceline/Princess Bubblegum Rating: PG Word Count: 249 A/N: icing as requested by temari778. It's pretty silly, but yay! I just couldn't bear to go to sleep without contributing!
Title: Red Night Author: Temari778 Fandom: Adventure Time Pairing: Princess Bubblegum/Marceline Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 250 Prompt: Insomnia Summary: The night terrors, the sleepless nights. Notes: A bit of horror--not something I usually write.
Title: I Still Know You Author: Temari778 Fandom: Adventure Time Pairing: Princess Bubblegum/Marceline Rating: G Word Count: 130 Prompt: History Summary: More than just gravity brings them together.
Title: Bloody Favor Author: Temari778 Fandom: Adventure Time Pairing: Princess Bubblegum/Marceline Rating: G Prompt: Keys Word Count: 250 Summary: Marceline asks for a small favor. Notes: This is an AU fanfic.
Title: Fixer Upper Author: Temari778 Fandom: Adventure Time Pairing: Princess Bubblegum/Marceline Rating: G Word Count: 217 Prompt: Twists Summary: Marceline isn't a very grateful patient.
Title: At the Crack of Dawn Author: Temari778 Fandom: Adventure Time Pairing: Princess Bubblegum/Lumpy Space Princess Rating: G Prompt: Window Word Count: 190 Summary: It was way too early do deal with this.
Title: Candied Author: Temari778 Fandom: Adventure Time Pairing: Princess Bubblegum/Marceline Rating: G Word Count: 230 Prompt: Sugar Summary: Marcy would eat just about anything, so long as it was red.